2nd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop

« Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness? »

Friday October 13th, 2017, Strasbourg (FRANCE)

The University of Strasbourg, the Bureau for Economic Theory and Applications and the ERMEES research team are delighted to announce a one-day macroeconomics workshop to be held on Friday October 13, 2017 in Strasbourg.

This workshop aims at providing some perspectives on the macroeconomic issues raised by heterogeneities in the EU, with a special focus on structure, cost and management of these heterogeneities. The main purpose of this workshop is to produce high quality debates and to draw some perspectives on the future of the European project. We invite the submission of papers on various topics related to heterogeneities or asymmetries in the EU; both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome. All presentations and discussions will be in English. Paper topics include:

  • Structural heterogeneities between EU or EMU member countries
  • Business cycle asymmetries
  • Fiscal policy and public finance, fiscal multipliers
  • Monetary policy, monetary and financial integration, optimal currency area
  • Transmission channels of economic policy, policy rules
  • External imbalances (current account balances, exchange rates)
  • Labor markets and social cohesion
  • Euro-zone crisis and political lessons

Keynote speakers: Iain Begg (European Institute, London School of Economics), Paul de Grauwe (European Institute, London School of Economics), Cinzia Alcidi (Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels).

Publication opportunities: The participants of the workshop are invited to submit their works to a special issue of Applied Economics Quarterly. The submission procedure will be specified after the workshop.

Call_for paper ERMEES

Scientific Committee:

Amélie Barbier-Gauchard (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Francesco De Palma (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Meixing Dai (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Jamel Saadaoui (BETA and CEPN, University of Strasbourg)

Moïse Sidiropoulos (BETA, University of Strasbourg,  LEAP Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Jamel Trabelsi (BETA, University of Strasbourg, LEFA IHEC Carthage)

Organization Committee:

Marine André (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Amélie Barbier-Gauchard (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Thierry Betti (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Thomas Coudert (LARGE, University of Strasbourg)

Francesco De Palma (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Narimène Dahmani (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Meixing Dai (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Nicolas Mazuy (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Jamel Saadaoui (BETA and CEPN, University of Strasbourg)

Moïse Sidiropoulos (BETA, University of Strasbourg,  LEAP Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

Yann Thommen (BETA, University of Strasbourg)

Jamel Trabelsi (BETA, University of Strasbourg, LEFA IHEC Carthage)

Contact: saadaoui@unistra.fr

Submission Procedure:

Full papers should be submitted by email to ermees@unistra.fr. Papers should mention: title of communication, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation, corresponding author’s e-mail address, postal address, telephone number. Authors should specify whether they intend to submit their paper to the special issue.

Important dates:

  • Before May 15, 2017: Authors are invited to send their contributions before the submission deadline.
  • By June 16, 2017: Authors will be informed of the decision of the scientific committee.
  • By July 13, 2017: Authors have to confirm their participation before the registration deadline.
  • On October 13, 2017: Day of the ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 2017.

Registration fees: There will be no registration fees for intervening participants. For non intervening participants, fees are 50 €.

2nd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 2017

“Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness?”

Friday October 13, 2017, Strasbourg


Location:  Collège doctoral européen, 46 boulevard de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg, France

8:30 – 9:00 Registration and welcome coffee (Jardin Intérieur – first floor)

9:00 – 9:15 Opening speech Amélie BARBIER-GAUCHARD

9:15 – 10:15 Plenary session ( Amphithéatre – Ground floor) – Chairman : Moïse SIDIROPOULOS

Cinzia ALCIDI (Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels): “Risk sharing in the euro area”.

10:15 – 10:45 Coffee break (Jardin Intérieur – First floor)

10:45 – 12:30 Parallel Sessions (1h45)

Session 1-a  Central bank strategy and policy mix

Chairman : Moise SIDIROPOULOS, Room :  Amphithéatre – Ground floor

Session 1-b Fiscal policy

Chairman : Thierry BETTI, Room :  Auditorium – Ground floor

Session 1-c Labor Market

Chairman : Francesco DE PALMA, Room :  Salle de séminaire – First floor

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break (Jardin Intérieur – First floor)

14:00 – 15:00 Plenary session ( Amphithéatre – Ground floor) – Chairman : Moïse SIDIROPOULOS

Iain Begg (European Institute, London School of Economics): “Are fiscal and other macroeconomic policy rules past their ‘sell-by’ date?”.

15:00 – 16:45 Parallel Sessions (1h45)

Session 2-a Business cycle, growth and Inflation

Chairman : Amélie BARBIER GAUCHARD, Room :  Auditorium – Ground floor

Session 2-b  Uncertainty and expectations

Chairman : Meixing DAI, Room :  Salle de séminaire – First floor

Bas van Aarle, « Sentiment and uncertainty uctuations and their effects on the Euro Area business cycle« (Disc: A. Kukuvec)

Dennis Bonam, « Home biased expectations and macroeconomic imbalances in a monetary union » (Disc: B. van Aarle)

Anja Kukuvec, « The propagation of business sentiments within the European Union » (Disc: D. Bonam)

16:45 – 17:15 Coffee break (Jardin Intérieur – First floor)

17:15 – 18:15 Plenary session ( Amphithéatre – Ground floor) – Chairman : Moïse SIDIROPOULOS

Paul DE GRAUWE (European Institute, London School of Economics): « Business cycle synchronization in the Eurozone. The role of Animal Spirits« .

18:15 – 18:30 Closing remarks Moise SIDIROPOULOS

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Macroeconomics Workshop “Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness? ” (Strasbourg) will take place at Collège Doctoral Européen (CDE), located in the campus of University of Strasbourg. This link explains how to get to the College.

Collège Doctoral Européen 

46 Boulevard de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg

03 68 85 17 13

  • By Train:

From Train Station (Gare Centrale): Take the tram C into the direction “Neuhof Rodolphe Reuss” and stop at the station “Observatoire”. Please, see city Map.

  • Taxi Information:

The company taxi 13 Phone: + 33 (0)3 88 36 13 13


  • From Entzheim Airport:

From Strasbourg-Entzheim Airport: Take the train from the airport to the central Train Station, for further informations www.sncf.fr . Take the tram C into the direction “Neuhof Rodolphe Reuss” and stop at the station “Observatoire”.

  • From Karlsruhe Baden Airpark:

Take Bus line 205 to Baden-Baden Train station and take the train to Strasbourg Gare Centrale. Shuttles are also available from Baden-Baden Airpark to Strasbourg – Place Austerlitz (see http://www.flightliner.de)

  • Other possibilities:

From Basel-Mulhouse Airport or Frankfurt International Airport with correspondence by train or bus to Strasbourg

  • Further details about public transport:

Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeoise :


  • Support and Assistance: 

In case of troubles or urgent help is needed, please contact one of the organizers:

Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 20 78 (Amélie Barbier-Gauchard)

Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 21 79 (Jamel Saadaoui)

Tel: +33 (0)3 68 85 20 69 (Secretary)

You will find here different ways to book a room.

1 quai de Paris, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 15 17 17
Fax : 03 88 15 17 15
E-Mail : h9085@accor.com

Hôtel de France, BEST WESTERN***
20 rue du Jeu des Enfants, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 32 37 12
Fax : 03 88 22 48 08
E-Mails : hotel@francestrasbourg.com ; Hotel.de.france.sa@wanadoo.fr
Website : www.book-your-hotel.com

HOTEL MERCURE Strasbourg Seant-Jean Petite France
3, rue du Maire Kuss, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 32 80 80
Fax : 03 88 23 05 39
E-Mail : h1813@accor.com

2 rue Thiergarten, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 32 71 88
Fax : 03 88 32 22 01
E-Mail : contact@grillon.com

14 rue du Maire Kuss, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 22 60 40
Fax : 03 88 32 22 25
E-Mail : h6850@accor.com

Hôtel de L’ILL**
8 rue des Bateliers, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 36 20 01
Fax : 03 88 35 30 03
Website : www.hotel-ill.com

14 rue du Maire Kuss, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 22 60 40
Fax : 03 88 32 22 25
E-Mail : h6850@accor.com

Appart’Hôtel CITADINES Strasbourg Kléber
50 54 rue du Jeu des Enfants, Strasbourg
E-Mail : strasbourg@citadines.com

4,rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 32 08 60
web site : www.maison-rouge.com

7, rue de Zurich, Strasbourg
Tél : 03 88 36 56 95
web site : hotelroses-strasbourg.com

6,rue de Bitche
Tél : 03 88 24 81 24
web site : www.maison-rouge.com