Author: Ermees

Towards a More Resilient European Union after the COVID-19 Crisis

The pandemic crisis constitutes an unprecedented challenge for the European Union and for the Euro Area. Indeed, European institutional architecture can be viewed as being half-way between an association of sovereign states (like the United Nations, for example) and a politically integrated federation (like the United States for example). In this original construction, competences on several matters (such as economic, political, social and health issues, etc.) are shared at the European level, but also at the national and local levels in more complex ways than in fully integrated federations. To improve the resilience of the European Union to violent external shocks, the main objective of this paper...

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Workshop 3rd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 2019 “20 Years of the Euro :Paths for the Future ?” Friday December 13, 2019, Strasbourg The University of Strasbourg, the Bureau d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée and the ERMEES research team are delighted to announce a one-day macroeconomics workshop to be held on Friday December 13, 2019 in Strasbourg. The main purpose of this workshop is to produce high quality debates to learn from past experience and draw some perspectives for a better future in the Eurozone. We invite paper submission on various topics; both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome. Paper topics include: Monetary policy,...

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June 27th, 2017 – Year end meeting ERMEES

At the end of the academic year 2016-2017, ERMEES team gathered around a picnic at the “Parc de l’Orangerie in Strasbourg” to discuss what happened during the year, and to launch projects for next academic year. See also the library:

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