Category: ERMEES Workshop


Workshop 3rd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop 2019 “20 Years of the Euro :Paths for the Future ?” Friday December 13, 2019, Strasbourg The University of Strasbourg, the Bureau d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée and the ERMEES research team are delighted to announce a one-day macroeconomics workshop to be held on Friday December 13, 2019 in Strasbourg. The main purpose of this workshop is to produce high quality debates to learn from past experience and draw some perspectives for a better future in the Eurozone. We invite paper submission on various topics; both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome. Paper topics include: Monetary policy,...

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Workshop 2nd ERMEES Macroeconomics Workshop « Heterogeneities in the EU: strength or weakness? » Friday October 13th, 2017, Strasbourg (FRANCE) The University of Strasbourg, the Bureau for Economic Theory and Applications and the ERMEES research team are delighted to announce a one-day macroeconomics workshop to be held on Friday October 13, 2017 in Strasbourg. This workshop aims at providing some perspectives on the macroeconomic issues raised by heterogeneities in the EU, with a special focus on structure, cost and management of these heterogeneities. The main purpose of this workshop is to produce high quality debates and to draw some perspectives on the future of the European...

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Wokshop   Macroeconomics Workshop “The Euro Crisis: Where Do We Stand?” Friday October 16th, 2015, Strasbourg The University of Strasbourg, the Bureau of Economic Theory and Applications (BETA-CNRS, UMR 7522) and the ERMEES research team are delighted to announce a one-day workshop on macroeconomic issues raised by the euro crisis, to be held on Friday October 16th, 2015 in Strasbourg. This workshop aims at providing some perspectives on the current crisis in the eurozone from a macroeconomic point of view. As a matter of fact, the euro crisis is not only due to financial causes. Several macroeconomic imbalances have played a major role in the burst and in the deepening of the euro crisis. These factors have been magnified by an incomplete monetary architecture and are the underlying causal mechanisms of the euro crisis. Among these contributing factors, we can quote exchange rate misalignments, inflation rate differentials, housing markets dynamics and private sector indebtedness. The aim of this workshop is to produce high quality debates in which macroeconomists will explore the consequences of the euro crisis. We invite the submission of papers on various topics related to the euro crisis; both empirical and theoretical papers are welcome. All presentations and discussions will be in English. Paper topics include:  Fiscal Policy, Public Finance Sustainability, Fiscal discipline Monetary Policy, Monetary and Financial Integration External Imbalances (Current Account Balances, Exchange Rates) Exit...

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